Holistic Gynecology

Well-Woman + Well-Person Care


Holistic care takes the whole body into account rather than looking at and treating only symptoms.

Holistic care uses techniques in concert with the body’s natural processes and rhythms, seeking balance and connection.  Holistic care evaluates lifestyle as a whole, taking into account stress, inflammation and autoimmune disease. Lifestyle suggestions including nutrition, mindfulness practices and the use of botanical medicine in returning to homeostasis.  Holistic well-person care includes things like fertility, pregnancy loss and termination support, suggesting supplements/herbs/homeopathy, discussing birth control options, lab work + testing, natural family planning, harmonizing menstrual cycles.  



  • fertility

  • pregnancy loss and termination support

  • suggesting supplements/herbs/homeopathy

  • discussing birth control options

  • lab work + testing

  • natural family planning

  • harmonizing menstrual cycles

Services Provided in office

  • annual exams

  • PAP’s

  • STI testing

  • breast/chest exams

  • mammogram referrals

  • specific lab work/screenings

  • preconception + fertility counseling

  • nutrition + herbal support

  • community referrals

  • discussing birth control options (referrals as needed)